Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pick Up Truck

I was gonna copy an old poem from my art page but I did write something a few weeks ago finally utilizing that writing book I had gotten.

I sat in his pick up truck staring at him. My stomach was doing somersaults and I felt I could hardly breath. My mind shouted at him hoping above hope hes would hear its cries of distress. How short a time we'd been in each others company. How scared I was. Sitting in the darkness in the woods in a pick up truck. How insignificantly unromantic, this pick up truck. If he would just speak first. Release me of my torment, save me the embarassment. I was about to burst. "JUMP" my heart shouted. "I love you" I sprang. A pickup truck. I confessed my love, first, short weeks after our eyes met.. in a pick up truck. "Oh no this is bad." I thought. "I love you too" he cooly replied. I collapes within. Sweet relief. Our love announced in a pick up trucl. Our hands held tight, he drove me home.

Yep.. that's me and shane. I've realized I'm not very good at making up stories.. I can take a true thing and make it sound amazing but I can't make it up entirely. That's something to consider.

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